Eorzean Event Committee


Thank you all for your support!
At this time the EEC is currently on Hiatus.
I look forward to hopefully seeing you all in the future!
-Iris Whitewillow

The Eorzean Event Committee

Welcome to the Eorzean Event Committee!
(EEC for short!)
You may be wondering what the EEC is.
We’re an offshoot of a few other servers gathered together and made of various members of the roleplay community on the Aether Data-center.
Our goal is to help facilitate roleplay events and provide help with other events.
We aren’t affiliated with any specific FC or discord server, but are here to offer a place for all to seek event help and float ideas around.

Vendor Gathering ✦ Winter Market ✦ 2021

Cai & Company ✦ "Noble for a Day" ✦ Festival Of Love 2021

The committee is made up of entertainers, event hosts, guards, vendors & volunteers. We are always seeking individuals who are interested in entertaining and finding venues to perform in, vendors looking to sell their wares at special events, volunteers who are interested in just helping out for whatever is needed.




Featured Vendors

Interested in becoming a vendor or guard for this event?
Please contact <whitewillow.iris> via discord, or join our server!

Spriggan Surprise / Eggstravagant Raffle
Iris Whitewillow
<x:22.5 y:22.2>
NOTE: Raffle ticket drawing will take place on Sunday, April 28th.

Forevermore Sweets & Treats
Kasumi Ashar
<x:22.4 y:22.4>

All vendors listed below will be utilizing the "LOOKING TO MELD" tag
to help better identify themselves when open for business.
Please use the map above to help narrow down all of the vendors and pay them a visit this season!

Sponsored By...

Interested in helping us out or sponsoring an event?
Please contact (Whitewillow.Iris) via Discord!
We are currently looking for…
♦︎ Gil Donations
♦︎ Mounts
♦︎ Minions
All donations go towards prizes to be given out at our events!

All accessible game glamours are fair game to use.
Glamour Items are permitted.
Use of Emotes are permitted.
Use of mods are strictly prohibited during the costume contest.

🌺Photo Albums🌺

The Raffle

The Winter Raffle is entering its seventh year!
As always raffle tickets will be available all three nights of the market.
Ticket prices start at 10k each.
All proceeds go towards funding EEC related events!
More ticket sales = MORE PRIZES.
Winners will be announced at 10:30pm EST each night!



Fashion Accessories

Fashion Sets


Please note that all drinks served have some sort of element to them that makes them unusual.
Any effects the drinks may contain are only temporary.
Effects can last anywhere from 10-30 minutes.
(Roleplayers may enjoy the benefits for as long as they like This is a fun creative way to stir up memorable RP)
Please drink responsibility.

GigglewaterCombined with mint, lime and your choice of sparkling or flat water. This drink is equal parts delicious as it is refreshing.

Note: This seemingly innocent water is ideal for anyone who wants something refreshing to drink. However it has gained the name "giggle" water, due to the fact it causes its drinkers to suffer small bursts of giggle fits after consuming. These fits can last on and off for short times, but usually at the most innapropriate of times.
Effects can last 10-30 minutes.

SunshineMade with simple syrup, lemon juice, champagne and ginger beer. This fizzy drink is sure to boost confidence levels and put a spring into anyones step!

Note: Liquid sunshine is so potent the drinkers cannot help but smile uncontrollability. Even effective on those who have "Resting bitch face" regularly.
Effects can last 10-30 minutes.

Cupid's CrushThis drink features raspberries, vodka and sparkling water for a flavor experience worthy of cupids admiration.

Note: Both versions of this drink make the drinker suddenly develop a crush on the first person that they lock eyes with. Side effects of said crush are...
Staring awkwardly, blushing uncontrollably when caught, fits of giggles, and butterflies.
Effects can last 10-30 minutes.

AmortentiaThis cocktail is made with cranberry juice, vodka, grenadine and pearl dust! It’s the perfect sweet and shimmery love potion to serve up for any special occasion.

Note: This drink is distinctive in its appearance, but it smells differently to each person according to what attracts them. As such, the drink itself though ruby in color can smell of roses, freshly mown grass, leather bound books and more. The scent alone is enough to bring forth powerful nostalgic happy memories.

The ButterflyMade with silver tequila, elderflower liqueur and lemon juice this delicious drink makes the drinker feel as light as a butterfly.

Note: Drinker may experience the butterfly sensation. Nervous but giddy. The sense of butterflies in their belly.
Effects can last 10-30 minutes.

The Burning HeartThis drink is deep and rich in color, spiced and of course delicious. Perfectly seasonal, warming and more importantly, able to be lit on fire. Contains black berries, honey, rosemary and rum.

Note: Causes the drinker to suddenly feel passionate about ordinary things, making them more observant to everything and everyone around them. This drink causes its drinkers to start throwing compliments left and right at anyone they may come across.
Effects last 10-30 mins.

Phoenix HeartMade with Lillet Blanc, Campari and freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. This delicious wine based drink is guaranteed to make the drinker perk right up!

Note: Drinker will feel perked up and hyperactive, dispelling any tiredness.
Effects can last 10-30 minutes.

Menphina's MoonWith a sweet, nutty, tart, herbaceous flavors, this is a uniquely delicious drink with a rich mouth feel, that looks equally as stunning as it does mysterious.

Note: The drink of the lover, it is said to make your skin seem like it is glowing with Menphina's radiant light. In truth, it makes the drinker blush uncontrollability.
Effects can last 10-30 minutes.

The Sirens SongLike a Siren, this cocktail version is just as alluring and packs quite a punch. It’s sweet and tangy with cranberry juice, lemonade, limoncello, and lemon vodka.

Note: Causes the drinker to feel joyful and festive. May result in the drinker suddenly breaking out in sing song verses from being OVERLY cheery.
Effects last 10-30 minutes.

Dragons BreathThis fiery libation is famous for its intense and warming flavor profile. It typically offers a robust, spicy kick with strong notes of cinnamon and a touch of vanilla sweetness.

Note: After the fiery liquid is consumed it makes the drinker feel courageous, often prompting them to do things they otherwise would be scared or hesitant to do.